103. Shen, J., Zhang, Y., Wang, Z., Zuo, Z., Che, X., Li, W. C., ... & Qin, L. .2025. A pristine low-Ti cumulate source for Chang’e 5 basalts revealed by Sr-Nd-Hf isotopes.[J]. Geochemical Perspectives Letters, 33(33), 44-50.
102. He, X., Cheng, W., Fang, Z., Tang, Z., Zeng, Z., Zhang, G., & Qin, L. .2024. Chromium cycle in Red Soil Critical Zone constrained by chromium isotopes.[J]. Science of The Total Environment, 954, 176646.
101. Dong Z, Hu X, Liu J, Zhen, J., & Qin, L.2024. Gas-phase hydrogenation processes of cationic carbon clusters. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, stae1721.
100. Yingnan Zhang .,Qin, L. 2024. Mo isotope evidence for evaporation loss of volatiles in CKs, and implications for external heating sources of the CK metamorphism. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 641: 118807.
99. Li, S., Zhang, D., Shu, Q., Bao, H., Cao, X., Liu, J.,Qin, L.,... & Li, M. 2024. An anorthositic meteorite supporting an ancient magma ocean on Vesta. Nature Astronomy, 1-9.
99. Li, S., Zhang, D., Shu, Q., Bao, H., Cao, X., Liu, J.,Qin, L.,... & Li, M. 2024. An anorthositic meteorite supporting an ancient magma ocean on Vesta. Nature Astronomy, 1-9.
98. Fang, Z., Li, Y., He, X., & Qin, L. 2024. Brine pools with round caps in the western Qaidam Basin: Application to iron mobility and the evaporation formation of the iron oxide and sulfate assemblage on Mars. Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets, 129(4), e2023JE008122.
97. Xiang-Ying Ye, Bin Li, Dong-Bo Tan, Ke-Cheng Liu, ....2024. Lithium Isotope Analytical Methods and Implications for Rare-Metal Mineralization in Granite-Pegmatite Systems: An Overview. Journal of Earth Science 1-42.
96. Liu, B., Guo, J., Dobynde, M. I., Liu, J., Zhang, Y., & Qin, L. 2024. Modeling of cosmogenic Cr isotopes produced in lunar rocks compared with existing calculations and measurements. Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets, 129(2), e2023JE008069.
96. Liu, B., Guo, J., Dobynde, M. I., Liu, J., Zhang, Y., & Qin, L. 2024. Modeling of cosmogenic Cr isotopes produced in lunar rocks compared with existing calculations and measurements. Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets, 129(2), e2023JE008069.
95. He, Y., Zhang, A. C., Peng, Y., Liu, J., & Qin, L. 2024. Mineralogical anatomy of the Cr-rich quenched angrite Northwest Africa 12774: Implication to mantle heterogeneity. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 365, 186-201.
94. Xiong, J. W., Chen, Y. X., Shen, J., Marchesi, C., Scambelluri, M., Qin, L. P., ... & Garrido, C. J. 2023. Chromium isotope behavior during serpentinite dehydration in oceanic subduction zones. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 128(9), e2023JB026601.
93. Shen J., Zuo Z., He Y S., Li S G., Huang J., Zeng G., Qin, L. 2023. CChromium isotope system of intraplate basaltic lavas: Implication for recycling materials into mantle. Lithos, 454-455, 107264.
92. Fujiya W., Kawasaki N., Nagashima K., …Qin, L.… & Yurimoto, H. 2023. Carbonate record of temporal change in oxygen fugacity and gaseous species in asteroid Ryugu. Nature Geoscience, 675–682.
91. Nguyen A N., Mane P., Keller L P., …Qin, L.… & Yurimoto, H. 2023. Abundant presolar grains and primordial organics preserved in carbon-rich exogenous clasts in asteroid Ryugu. Science Advances, 9(28): eadh1003.
90. Yu X., Fang Z., He X., Yi L., Deng C., Yan W., Qin, L. 2023. Chromium isotopic compositions of a reef in the South China Sea: Biological effects and influence from early diagenetic Mn-oxides reduction. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 628:111729.
89. Shen J., Zuo Z., Yang B., Ionov D., Li W., Qin, L. 2023. Chromium isotope variations in garnet-facies mantle rocks and their minerals: Implications for Cr isotope behavior in high-temperature processes. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 360, 122-137.
88. Liu H., Liu W W., Haro-Moreno J M., , …Qin, L.… & Zhang, C L. 2023. A moderately thermophilic origin of a novel family of marine group II euryarchaeota from deep ocean. Iscience, 26(9).
87. Fang Z., He X., Yu X., Qin, L. 2023. Chromium isotope fractionation during adsorption of chromium (III) by soils and river sediments. Journal of University of Science and Technology of China, 53(5), 0502-1.
86. Bailiang Liu., Jingnan Guo., Mikhail Dobynde., Jia Liu.,Yingnan Zhang., Liping Qin. 2023. The state-of-the-art modeling of cosmogenic Cr isotopes produced in lunar rocks compared with existing calculations and measurements. ESS Open Archive.
85. Tang H.,Young E D., Tafla L., … Qin, L.… & Yurimoto, H. 2023. The Oxygen Isotopic Composition of Samples Returned from Asteroid Ryugu with Implications for the Nature of the Parent Planetesimal. The Planetary Science Journal, 4(8): 144.
84. Hu, X., Dong, Z., Ge, Y., Jia, L., Chen, Y., *Zhen, J., & Qin, L. 2023. Gas phase hydrogenated and deuterated fullerene cations. Research in Astronomy and Astrophysics, 23,085021
83. Hu, X., Dong, Z., Liu, J., *Zhen, J., & Qin, L. 2023. Coevolution of the interstellar chemistry: gas-phase laboratory formation of hydrogenated fullerene-PAH clusters. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 522(3), 4626-4638.
82. Zhang, Y., Wang, S., Liu, J., Yang, B., & *Qin, L. 2023. Precise measurement of 40 K isotopic anomalies in small samples using TIMS with a 10 13 Ohm amplifier. Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry.
81. Yong, C., Fang, Z., Zhang, C., Zhen, J., & Qin, L. 2023. Constraints on water activity at the Zhurong landing site in Utopia Planitia, Mars. Earth and Planetary Physics, 7(3), 356-370.
80. Jiang, Y., Li, Y., Liu, J., Wang, Q., Qin, L., Zhu, K., ... & Hsu, W. 2023. Tracking and dating incipient melting of a new grouplet of primitive achondrites. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 345, 1-15.
79. Zhang, C., Hu, X., Ge, Y., Dong, Z., Yang, Y., Liu, J., Chen, Y., *Zhen, J., Qin, L. 2023. Laboratory hydrogenation of the photo-fragments of PAH cations: Co-evolution interstellar chemistry. Astronomy and Astrophysics, 669, A41.
78. He, X., Fang, Z., Gao, Y., Yu, X., Shen, Y. and *Qin, L. 2023. Redox heterogeneity of the Ediacaran ocean constrained by chromium isotopes. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 344, 178-189
77. Zhang, T., Liu, J., Zhang, Q., Zhang, Y. and *Qin, L. 2023. Stable W Isotope Measurements of Geological Reference Materials and Tungsten Ore Minerals by Double Spike MC-ICP-MS. Geostandards and Geoanalytical Research 47, 169-183
76. Paquet, M., Moynier, F., Yokoyama, T., Dai, W., Hu, Y., Abe, Y., …Qin, L.… & Yurimoto, H. 2023. Contribution of Ryugu-like material to Earth’s volatile inventory by Cu and Zn isotopic analysis. Nature astronomy, 7(2), 182-189.
75. 吴伟仁, 王赤*, 刘洋, 秦礼萍, 林巍, 叶生毅, 李晖, 沈芳, 张哲, 2023. 深空探测之前沿科学问题探析. 科学通报. 68(6): 606-627,
74. Zhang, C., Hu, X., Yang, Y., Chen, Y., *Zhen, J., Qin, L. 2022. Gas-phase reaction of fullerene monocations with 2,3-benzofluorene indicates the importance of charge exchanges. Astronomy and Astrophysics, 662, A21.
73. Yang, Y., Hu, X., Zhang, C., Chen, Y., *Zhen, J., Qin, L. 2022. Theoretical study of the formation of large, astronomically relevant PAH-organic molecule clusters. Astronomy and Astrophysics, 663, A52.
72. Kawasaki, N., Nagashima, K., Sakamoto, N., Matsumoto, T., Bajo, K. I., Wada, S., …Qin, L.… & Yurimoto, H. 2022. Oxygen isotopes of anhydrous primary minerals show kinship between asteroid Ryugu and comet 81P/Wild2. Science Advances, 8(50), eade2067.
71. Hopp, T., Dauphas, N., Abe, Y., Aléon, J., O’D. Alexander, C. M., Amari, S., …Qin, L.… & Yurimoto, H. 2022. Ryugu’s nucleosynthetic heritage from the outskirts of the Solar System. Science Advances, 8(46), eadd8141.
70. Zhang, C., Hu, X., Yang, Y., Chen, Y., *Zhen, J., Qin, L. 2022. Gas-phase Hydrogen/Deuterium Exchange on Large, Astronomically Relevant Cationic PAHs. The Astrophysical Journal, 940, 73.
69. Yokoyama, T., Nagashima, K., Nakai, I., Young, E.D., …Qin, L. et al., 2022. Samples returned from the asteroid Ryugu are similar to Ivuna-type carbonaceous meteorites. Science, eabn7850.
68. Yang, B., Xia, J., Guo, X., Ni, H., Shahar, A., Fei, Y., Carlson, R.W. and *Qin, L. 2022. High P-T experimental perspective on Cr isotopic fractionation during planetary core formation. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 595, 117701
67. Barosch, J., Nittler, L. R., Wang, J., Alexander, C. M. D., De Gregorio, B. T., Engrand, C., …Qin, L.… & Yurimoto, H. 2022. Presolar stardust in asteroid Ryugu. The Astrophysical Journal Letters, 935(1), L3.
66. Fang, Z., Liu, W., Yao, T., Zhou, G., Wei, S. and *Qin, L. 2022. Experimental study of chromium (III) coprecipitation with calcium carbonate. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 322, 94-108
65. Zhang, Y., Wang, Z., Yang, X., Huang, L., *Li, Y. and *Qin, L. 2022. Petrological and Ni-Mo isotopic evidence for the genesis of the Ni- and Mo-sulfide extremely enriched early Cambrian black shale from Southwest China. Chemical Geology 598, 120812
64. Qiu, Y., Qin, L., Huang, F., Zhao, T., & Li, Y. 2022. Early prosperity of iron bacteria at the end of the Paleoproterozoic era. Geophysical Research Letters, 49(9), e2022GL097877.
64. Qiu, Y., Qin, L., Huang, F., Zhao, T., & Li, Y. 2022. Early prosperity of iron bacteria at the end of the Paleoproterozoic era. Geophysical Research Letters, 49(9), e2022GL097877.
63. Fang, Z., He, X., Zhang, G., Zhang, X., Shen, Y. and *Qin, L. 2021. Ocean redox changes from the latest Permian to Early Triassic recorded by chromium isotopes. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 570, 117050. 570, 117050.
62. Hu, X., Yang, Y., Zhang, C., Chen, Y., *Zhen, J., and Qin, L., 2021. Gas-phase laboratory formation of large, astronomically relevant PAH-organic molecule clusters. Astronomy and Astrophysics 656, A80
61. *Shen, J., Wang, S., *Qin, L., Ni, H., and Li, S., Du, J., Shen, T., Zhang, L., & Yu, H. 2021. Tracing serpentinite dehydration in a subduction channel : Chromium element and isotope evidence from subducted oceanic crust. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 313, 1–20.
60. Hu, X., Zhang, D., Zhang, C., Yang, Y., Chen, Y., *Zhen, J., and Qin, L., 2021. Gas-phase formation of cationic fullerene/9-aminoanthracene clusters: an indicator for interstellar dust growth. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 508(4), 4758-4766.
59. Yang, Y., Zhang, C., Hu, X., Zhang, D., Chen, Y., *Zhen, J., and Qin, L. 2021. Gas-phase laboratory study on PAH/amino-acid cluster cations. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 508(2), 3009-3022.
58. Hu, X., Zhang, D., Yang, Y., Chen, Y., *Qin, L., and *Zhen, J., 2021. Gas-phase Formation of Cationic Fullerene/Amino Acid Clusters: Evidence for the “Magic Number” Chemical Reactivity of Fullerene Cations. The Astrophysical Journal 918(2), 81
57. *Shen, J., Zhang, Y., Yang, Y., Qin, L., He, Y., Liu, S., Wang, F., & Ni, H.2021. Molybdenum isotope tracing petrogenesis of adakitic rocks and associated ore-forming process. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 300, 296–317.
56. Fang, Z., *Qin, L., Liu, W., Yao, T., Chen, X., and Wei, S., 2021. Absence of hexavalent chromium in marine carbonates : implications for chromium isotopes as paleoenvironment proxy. National Science Review 8(3): nwaa090
55. Heard, A. W., Aarons, S. M., Hofmann, A., He, X., Ireland, T., Bekker, A., Qin, L., Dauphas, N., 2021. Anoxic continental surface weathering recorded by the 2.95 Ga Denny Dalton Paleosol (Pongola Supergroup, South Africa). Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 295, 1-23.
54. *Jiang, Y., Koefoed, P., Pravdivtseva, O., Chen, H., Li, C.-H., Huang, F., Qin, L.-P., Liu, J., *Wang, K., 2021. Early solar system aqueous activity: K isotope evidence from Allende. Meteoritics & Planetary Science 56, 61-76.
53. *Shen, J., Xia, J., Qin, L., Carlson, R.W., Huang, S., Helz, R.T. and Mock, T.D., 2020. Stable chromium isotope fractionation during magmatic differentiation: Insights from Hawaiian basalts and implications for planetary redox conditions. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 278, 289-304.
52. Shen, J Yang, B., Xia, J.X., 2020. Chromium element and isotope geochemistry in high temperature systems. Journal of University of Science and Technology of China 50 (9) : 1229-1248.
51. He, X., Chen, G., Fang, Z., Liang, W., Li, B., Tang, J., Sun, Y. and *Qin, L., 2020. Source identification of chromium in the sediments of the Xiaoqing River and Laizhou Bay: A chromium stable isotope perspective. Environmental Pollution 264,114686.
50. Zhang, A.C., Kawasaki, N., Bao, H., Liu, J., Qin, L., Kuroda, M., Gao, J.F., Chen, L.H., He, Y., Sakamoto, N. and Yurimoto, H., 2020. Evidence of metasomatism in the interior of Vesta Nature Communications 11(1), 1–7.
49. 沈骥, 李王晔, 李曙光, 肖益林,2019. 俯冲隧道内不同深度的壳幔相互作用:地幔楔超镁铁质岩的镁同位素记录. 地球科学 44(12): 4102-4111.
48. Bai, Y., *Su,B.-X., Xiao, Y., Chen, C., Cui, M.-M., He, X.-Q., Qin, L.-P., Charlier, B., 2019. Diffusion-driven chromium isotope fractionation in ultramafic cumulate minerals: Elemental and isotopic evidence from the Stillwater Complex. Geochimica Et Cosmochimica Acta 263, 167-181.
47. *Chen, C., *Su, B.-X., Xiao, Y., Sakyi, P.A., He, X.-Q., Pang, K.-N., Uysal, I., Avcı, E. and Qin, L.-P., 2019 High-temperature chromium isotope fractionation and its implications: Constraints from the Kızıldağ ophiolite, SE Turkey. Lithos 342-343, 361-369.
46. Zhang, Q., Liu, J., Zhang, Y., Yu, H., *Qin, L., *Shen, J., 2019. Factors affecting chromium isotope measurements using the double-spike method. Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry 33, 1390-1400.
45. Chen, G., Bai, Y., Zeng, R.J., *Qin, L., 2019. Effects of different metabolic pathways and environmental parameters on Cr isotope fractionation during Cr(VI) reduction by extremely thermophilic bacteria. Geochimica Et Cosmochimica Acta 256, 135-146.
44. Liu, J., *Qin, L., Xia, J., Carlson, R.W., Leya, I., Dauphas, N., He, Y., 2019. Cosmogenic effects on chromium isotopes in meteorites. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 251, 73-86.
43. Zhu, K., Liu, J., Moynier, F., *Qin, L., Alexander, C.M.O.D., He, Y., 2019. Chromium Isotopic Evidence for an Early Formation of Chondrules from the Ornans CO Chondrite. Astrophysical Journal 873, 82.
42. Chen, G., Han, J., Mu, Y., Yu, H., *Qin, L., 2019. Two-stage chromium isotope fractionation during microbial Cr(VI) reduction. Water Research 148, 10-18.
41. Liu, C.-Y., Xu, L.-J., Liu, C.-T., Liu, J., Qin, L.-P., Zhang, Z.-D., Liu, S.-A., Li, S.-G., 2019. High-Precision Measurement of Stable Cr Isotopes in Geological Reference Materials by a Double-Spike TIMS Method. Geostandards and Geoanalytical Research 43, 647-661.
40. *Shen, J., *Qin, L., Fang, Z., Zhang, Y., Liu, J., Liu, W., Wang, F., Xiao, Y., Yu, H., Wei, S., 2018. High-temperature inter-mineral Cr isotope fractionation: A comparison of ionic model predictions and experimental investigations of mantle xenoliths from the North China Craton. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 499, 278-290.
39. *Shen, J., *Li, S.-G., Wang, S.-J., Teng, F.-Z., Li, Q.-L., Liu, Y.-S., 2018. Subducted Mg-rich carbonates into the deep mantle wedge. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 503, 118-130.
38. *Huang, J., Liu, J., Zhang, Y., Chang, H., Shen, Y., Huang, F., *Qin, L., 2018. Cr isotopic composition of the Laobao cherts during the Ediacaran–Cambrian transition in South China. Chemical Geology 482, 121-130.
37. Lu, Y.-Z., Chen, G.-J., Bai, Y.-N., Fu, L., Qin, L.-P., *Zeng, R.J., 2018. Chromium isotope fractionation during Cr(VI) reduction in a methane-based hollow-fiber membrane biofilm reactor. Water Research 130, 263-270.
36. *Cole, D.B., Wang, X., Qin, L., Planavsky, N.J., Reinhard, C.T., 2018. Chromium Isotopes. Encyclopedia of Geochemistry: A Comprehensive Reference Source on the Chemistry of the Earth 256-262.
35. Carlson, R., Brasser, R., Yin, Q., Fischer-Godde, M. and Qin, L., 2018. Feedstocks of the Terrestrial Planets. ESpace Science Reviews 214, 121.
34. Li, D., Zhang, X., Hu, D., Chen, X., Huang, W., Zhang, X., Li, M., Qin, L., Peng, S. and Shen, Y. 2018 Evidence of a large δ13Ccarb and δ13Corg depth gradient for deep-water anoxia during the late Cambrian SPICE event. Geology 46, 631-634.
33. L*Christensen, J.N.,Qin, L., Brown, S.T. and DePaolo, D.J. 2018. Potassium and calcium isotopic fractionation by plants (soybean [Glycine max], rice [Oryza sativa], and wheat [Triticum aestivum]) ACS Earth and Space Chemistry 2, 745-752.
32. *Qin, L., Wang, X., 2017. Chromium Isotope Geochemistry. Reviews in Mineralogy and Geochemistry 82, 379-414.
31. Xia, J., *Qin, L., Shen, J., Carlson, R.W., Ionov, D.A., Mock, T.D., 2017. Chromium isotope heterogeneity in the mantle. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 464, 103-115.
30. 张群, *秦礼萍, 2017. 双稀释剂计算及校正方法. 地球化学 1, 15-21.
29. 黄方, 陈福坤, 杨晓勇, 闫峻, 肖益林, 秦礼萍, 谢建成, 黄建, 汪方跃, 沈骥, 邓江洪, 杨一增, 2017. 古太平洋构造域的岩浆作用与成矿. 矿物岩石地球化学通报 551-556,534.
28. Zhang, G., Zhang, X., Hu, D., Li, D., Algeo, T.J., Farquhar, J., Henderson, C.M., Qin, L., Shen, M., Shen, D., Schoepfer, S.D., Chen, K., *Shen, Y., 2017. Redox chemistry changes in the Panthalassic Ocean linked to the end-Permian mass extinction and delayed Early Triassic biotic recovery. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 114, 1806-1810.
27. *Burkhardt, C., Dauphas, N., Tang, H.L., Fischer-Godde, M., Qin, L.P., Chen, J.H., Rout, S.S., Pack, A., Heck, P.R., Papanastassiou, D.A., 2017. In search of the Earth-forming reservoir: Mineralogical, chemical, and isotopic characterizations of the ungrouped achondrite NWA 5363/NWA 5400 and selected chondrites. Meteoritics & Planetary Science 52, 807-826.
26. *Huang, J., Feng, L., Chu, X., Sun, T., Wen, H., Qin, L., Shen, Y., 2017. A predominantly ferruginous condition in the Ediacaran deep ocean: Geochemistry of black shales in the Ediacaran Doushantuo Formation, South China. Precambrian Research 295, 12-23.
25. Han, J.-C., Chen, G.-J., Qin, L.-P., *Mu, Y., 2017. Metal Respiratory Pathway-Independent Cr Isotope Fractionation during Cr (VI) Reduction by Shewanella oneidensis MR-1. Environmental Science & Technology Letters 4, 500-504.
24. Kang, J.-T., Ionov, D.A., Liu, F., Zhang, C.-L., Golovin, A.V., Qin, L.-P., *Zhang, Z.-F. and *Huang, F. 2017 Calcium isotopic fractionation in mantle peridotites by melting and metasomatism and Ca isotope composition of the Bulk Silicate Earth. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 474, 128-137.
23. *Cole, D.B., Wang, X., Qin, L., Planavsky, N.J., Reinhard, C.T., 2017. Chromium Isotopes, in: White, W.M. (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Geochemistry: A Comprehensive Reference Source on the Chemistry of the Earth. Springer International Publishing Cham pp. 1-6.
22. *Qin, L., Carlson, R.W., 2016. Nucleosynthetic isotope anomalies and their cosmochemical significance. Geochemical Journal 50, 43-65.
21. *秦礼萍, 2015. 金属元素同位素异常. 矿物岩石地球化学通报 34, 731-743.
20. *Qin, L., Dauphas, N., Horan, M.F., Leya, I., Carlson, R.W., 2015. Correlated cosmogenic W and Os isotopic variations in Carbo and implications for Hf-W chronology. Geochimica Et Cosmochimica Acta 153, 91-104.
19. *Shen, J.,Liu, J., *Qin, L., Wang, S.J., Li, S., Xia, J., Ke, S., Yang, J., 2015. Chromium isotope signature during continental crust subduction recorded in metamorphic rocks. Geochemistry Geophysics Geosystems 16, 3840-3854.
18. *Day, J.M.D., Walker, R.J., Qin, L., Rumble Iii, D., 2012. Late accretion as a natural consequence of planetary growth. Nature Geoscience 5, 614-617.
17. Han, R., Qin, L., Brown, S.T., Christensen, J.N., *Beller, H.R., 2012. Differential isotopic fractionation during Cr (VI) reduction by an aquifer-derived bacterium under aerobic versus denitrifying conditions. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 78, 2462-2464.(Co first author)
16. *Qin, L., Nittler, L.R., Alexander, C.M.O.D., Wang, J., Stadermann, F.J., Carlson, R.W., 2011. Extreme 54Cr-rich nano-oxides in the CI chondrite Orgueil - Implication for a late supernova injection into the solar system. Geochimica Et Cosmochimica Acta 75, 629-644.
15. Qin, L., *Carlson, R.W., Alexander, C.M., 2011. Correlated nucleosynthetic isotopic variability in Cr, Sr, Ba, Sm, Nd and Hf in Murchison and QUE 97008. Geochimica Et Cosmochimica Acta 75, 7806-7828.
14. *Qin, L., Rumble, D., Alexander, C.M.O., Carlson, R.W., Jenniskens, P., Shaddad, M.H., 2010. The chromium isotopic composition of Almahata Sitta. Meteoritics & Planetary Science 45, 1771-1777.
13. *Qin, L., Alexander, C.M.O., Carlson, R.W., Horan, M.F., Yokoyama, T., 2010. Contributors to chromium isotope variation of meteorites. Geochimica Et Cosmochimica Acta 74, 1122-1145.
12. *Qin, L., Dauphas, N., Wadhwa, M., Masarik, J., Janney, P.E., 2008. Rapid accretion and differentiation of iron meteorite parent bodies inferred from 182Hf-182W chronometry and thermal modeling. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 273, 94-104.
11. *Qin, L., Dauphas, N., Wadhwa, M., Markowski, A., Gallino, R., Janney, P.E., Bouman, C., 2008. Tungsten nuclear anomalies in planetesimal cores.Astrophysical Journal 674, 1234-1241.
10. Qin, L., *Humayun, M., 2008. The Fe/Mn ratio in MORB and OIB determined by ICP-MS. Geochimica Et Cosmochimica Acta 72, 1660-1677.
09. *Qin, L., Dauphas, N., Janney, P.E., Wadhwa, M., 2007. Analytical developments for high-precision measurements of W isotopes in iron meteorites. Analytical Chemistry 79, 3148-3154
08. *Humayun, M.,Qin, L., Norman, M.D., 2004. Geochemical evidence for excess iron in the mantle beneath Hawaii.Science 306, 91-94
07. *Gualda, G.A.R., Cook, D.L., Chopra, R., Qin, L., Anderson, A.T., Rivers, M., 2004. Fragmentation, nucleation and migration of crystals and bubbles in the Bishop Tuff rhyolitic magma. Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh-Earth Sciences 95, 375-390.
06. *Ge, N.J., Xia, Q.K., Wu, Y.B., Hou, Z.H., Qin, L.P., Bo, L., 2003. Zircon U-Pb ages of Yanzihe gneiss from Northern Dabie, China: Evidence for Jurassic metamorphism. Acta Petrologica Sinica 19, 513-516.
05. 葛宁洁, 夏群科, 吴元保, 侯振辉,秦礼萍, 2003. 北大别燕子河片麻岩的锆石U-Pb年龄:印支期变质事件的确定. 岩石学报 19, 513-516
04. *Ge, N., Hou, Z., Li, H., Chen, J., Liu, B., Ruan, J., Qin, L., 2000. Zircon U-Pb age of the Shacun gabbro body, Yuexi, Dabie orogen and its geological implications. Chinese Science Bulletin 45, 74-79.
03. 葛宁洁, 李惠玉, 侯振辉, 柏林,秦礼萍, 2001. 大别造山带白马尖花岗岩体的钕、锶同位素地球化学研究. 地质论评 47, 184
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01. 葛宁洁, 侯振辉, 李惠民, 陈江峰, 刘斌, 阮俊,秦礼萍, 1999. 大别造山带岳西沙村镁铁-超镁铁岩体的锆石U-Pb年龄. 科学通报 44, 2110.